“Haters gonna hate, ainters gonna aint”-The Interview
Once you lose your audience, its hard to win them back. Still, as we have often seen, once it becomes popular to hate something, be it a movie, a game or a person, it begins to pick up speed. Eventually it’s like people hopping on the proverbial band wagon. There are times I begin to wonder that if the reviewer has actually seen the movie or played the game in question. This is a subject we will talk about on No Prisoners, No Mercy Show 212 (out soon).
Many of our listeners will have played the old “telephone” or “telegraph” game in school. For those who haven’t it works like this – Someone starts a story and it is retold down a long line of players. Each player tells the whispers a story or phrase into the next players ear. At the end of the long line of people we see how the story or phrase has changed. It’s just human nature to embellish a story. My mother used to relate a story to family and friends that seemed to change with each telling. The end result was mom telling us all about the time she had a “heart attack in the street and the fireman had to rip the close off her body.” Mind you at the end result it sounds like a bit of a flight of fantasy of a middle-aged woman. Still that doesn’t make mom a bad person. Yet when a public figure embellishes something, say a Sean Murray, players scream LIAR at the man, as they have done, for the last two years. Mind you I am not trying to be an apologist for Hello Games, just a bit pragmatic.
Still, no matter how you felt about Sean Murray, No Man’s Sky or Hello games, the simple fact of the matter is this: With the update of the game called “No Man’s Sky Next” Hello Games has delivered on what was promised when the game first came out. The No Man’s Sky Universe (and actually there are actually five of them as you will eventually find out) is now full of NPC with which to interact. There is a main story line that entails more than just getting to the center of the universe. They are galaxy’s filled with procedurally generated quests with varying types of rewards. And no matter how rare it may have been to encounter random players, I have encountered several simply by accident in the new multiplayer game without seeking anyone out.
As for my own play styles, Hello Games has delivered a version of Eve Online I was waiting for, all the space exploration without all the asshats.