this isn’t war, this is hatred.
I couldn’t agree more. After finishing the last of the quests, that lead up to the new expansion that is about to be released by Blizzard, I was sick to my stomach. I cried as I watched the last cutscene, showing why Sylvanas is doing what she is doing. It shows her as a night elf fighting the “good fight” when Arthas plunges his sword into Sylvanas turning her undead. And because of that, she is going to kill thousands of innocent lives, burning down the World Tree (Teldrassil), including the elf that dies in front of her, whispering the words above.
Wow. As I watched this, I could not help but think this thought…I am relatively thoughtful of what I watch, what I say, what I do (aside from traffic upsets), but what kind of impact will this have on young impressionable minds?
Her actions are the epitome of uncaring unemotional raw hatred and shear vengeance. Sr. Julie and I joked through this last round of quests how this was like Hitler marching into Poland. How when Sylvanas got to The Masters Glaive, we were told by Saurfang to “gather the civilians for questioning, then release” how that was like Hitler telling the Jews, “oh these trains are to relocate you, that’s all”. I know in my mind that these are only pixels, but these are REAL emotions and feelings being evoked!
I have been a World of Warcraft follower, off and on since I think 1 year after they first released the game. I’ve gotten almost all their anniversary gifts they give people who are still subscribers. I’ve played just about every race, and almost every class. I’ve had lots of fun, and on occasion have been really impressed by the graphics and styles of various temples or instances. I’ve even been really disgusted by the last expansion, with all the “hell-like creatures” and especially the “class Hall” for warlocks…it looked like Hell, I’m not kidding. Truly, if you know someone or have a toon, go to the Warlock class hall and tell me that does not look like hell?
Despite my wretched feelings about the hell-like demons or class hall of the last expansion, I still relatively liked the lore and the gameplay. But this last episode, this last cutscene…they have gone too far. I used to think that Satan owned and ran The Monsanto Corporation, but I’m going to add Blizzard to Satan’s ownership.
After playing the last set of quests, not only am I not going to buy the expansion, I’m quitting the game, and stopping my subscription. Why? Because what Blizzard is trying to do, is to make more HATRED between Horde and Alliance. I know that there has ALWAYS been hatred between Horde and Alliance, but in the last expansion, it was almost like they were trying to bring us together to fight the demon legions side by side. The fact that they made Dalaran a Horde AND Alliance city speaks to that. But now they want us to do world PvP, which I am not a fan of. If I wanted world PvP, I would join a PvP server. But it goes deeper than just PvP, it’s like they are trying to sow hatred in each person’s heart, that in young minds and hearts would carry over into the real world.
We have enough hatred in this world without Blizzard making more between all of us.
I didn’t like killing the innocent people. I didn’t like what Sylvanas did. Blizzard can’t make me like it, not now, not ever.
Sr. Frances