learning curve

x4: Learning Curve

The learning curve cartoon above is an old one. Normally it was applied to Eve Online -which I played for six years. Oddly enough, I found it easier to play Eve Online than X4: foundations. Having watched hours of tutorials on Youtube, played through tutorials in game and asked questions in a discord dedicated to […]... Read More
endless space 2 - victory

Victory at last!

Victory at last! Not just over the individual gaming session but over the whole idea of strategy gaming. My experience with strategy games has not been a good one over the years. Oh I have played Civilization when it first come out and fell into the whole “just one more turn” trap. But Sid Meier […]... Read More
how to succeed in business

How to succeed in business*

*even though it’s trying… First, if you are waiting for any large corporation to really care about you remember that the words “Abandon all hope ye who enter” where written on the office doors long before Dante thought them up. If you find yourself in the precarious position of being on the inside looking out […]... Read More

Giving business the business

About this time last year our website host gave us the business. We won’t say who they are but our lips certainly aren’t sealed – the old adage says a satisfied customer tells one person, a dissatisfied person tells everyone. What irked us? What micturated in our punch bowl? It was waking up one day […]... Read More