Some things are a myth. Like the world is flat. Yes, there are still flat earthers around. Carl Sagan proved the world is not flat with a piece of cardboard. The world is not flat. That is a myth.
The Ancient Greeks knew the world was round. Even Christopher Columbus knew the world was round. All he really did was get lost on his way to Asia, discover a land that was already inhabited, and reach the American Continent 500 years after Lief Erickson . Christopher Columbus never set foot in what is now the United States. That is a myth.
Another myth is that the moon landing was faked. It took some 400,000 to put the first astronaut on the moon. Do you know what would be an even greater feat than landing on the moon? Keeping 400,000 quiet about something for 50 years.
Another myth: Twinkies last forever. The shelf life of a Twinkie is 45 days. I will admit that the oldest Twinkie in the world over 40 years old: . It probably wouldn’t survive a nuclear holocaust or zombie invasion as Hollywood would have us believe. But surviving the experience is another issue – it’s hard as a rock.
Another myth? That face masks reduce the ability to breath oxygen. They don’t. Not even through six layers of them. Here is a doctor that proves it:
Other masks myths? Wearing a cloth mask is of no use. If you are not sick you don’t need to wear a mask. You don’t need to wear a mask if you social distance. You mask only needs to cover your mouth. The answer? No, no, no and really, really no.
There is one truth that is not a myth about face masks. If you refuse to wear one during the middle of a global pandemic you are most definitely a self-centered person who refuses to care about anyone other than themselves.