We live an an era where esports has become the only sport (for the most part). Yet I have seen the gaming community become so hell-bent on winning that they would spend a week writing a computer program just to win at hopscotch.
The latest craze to hit the internet is a game called “Fall Guys”. As you can see from the pictures above it is a lot like minions playing a battle royale game. Think of it as a game where the last minion standing wins. It seemed like a fun family type game and I was really looking forward to it.
But there is no single player mode or way to have a separate server. That means if the company ever stops supporting the game the game is basically useless. Still the game is only $20 so I can live with that if I get in on the craze early.
Then reality set in. There are so many people, so determined to win, to be at the top of the heap, they don’t care if they destroy the very game they are trying to win in the long run, just so long as they are “the best” in the short run. But all that means is they went out to Youtube, Googled “Fall Guys Cheats” and found a program to cheat the game. (Try it there are ALOT of them).
But this is a smaller example of what I have seen time and time over the years in many game. Eve Online is a prime example. I played the game for six years. Even so there are players who have basically been around since dinosaurs roamed the earth, swoop in on an unsuspecting new player and flatten them into the ground. That is the point at which they try to convince themselves they are doing it for the “good of the game.” Then the day comes where the player base starts to dwindle and the long time players look around…only to find no one else there.
So where did they go?
Well message to the players who are willing win “at any cost”…
They go tired of your bullshit.